

The proverb ‘Health is Wealth’ itself explains the importance of health. Health is not merely the treatment; it is a broad term that includes promotive, preventive & curative measures. Health is the result of sustained efforts and is important for everybody. It is an irony that the health, through which we get everything, is the least taken care of.
The foundation of health is laid during childhood in form of exclusive breastfeeding, complete vaccination, dietary habits, lifestyle, exercise, etc. It is well-known fact that children grow rapidly during the first 5 years of life i.e. achieve approximately 50% of the height and 90% of the brain growth, so proper nutrition and health is of utmost importance for them. Malnutrition caused 69% deaths of children below the age of 5 years in India. Our foundation targets children to assimilate health promotive and preventive measures in them along with support for the treatment of illness.
In this context, our foundation organizes free health check up camps for children in remote rural areas. During free health check up camps, printed material related to vaccination, nutrition and child safety are distributed. Free consultation and medicines are given to children in free health checkup camps. Apart from this, special cases are notified after screening the children and appropriate treatment facilities are provided. All the children coming to the camp are registered free of cost in the "Paramarsh" program run by the foundation.